Thursday 11 June 2015

Questions To Hire A Good Web Design Company

You've probably heard it before, a good web site will attract visitors and eventually convert them to customers for your business.  These customers generate sales and help you expand your profits along the way.

The problem for most is that finding professional web design companies is tedious and often times people head down the wrong path choosing cheaper alternatives instead of a company with a reputable brand and one that provides results.

Some companies will promote custom design and development, some will tot their own content management system while others like to use open source applications like Wordpress, Joomla, or Drupal.  

With so many options out there you'll start to winder if one company is right and the other is wrong yet the answer is, it depends who you are and ultimately what your goals are for the website you're creating.

Big or Small

When searching for a company it's important to enter into an agreement with one that's on your level.  Simply put that means finding a company or freelancer who can handle the services you require. It's important to keep in mind that web design is just one piece of the pie so to speak and you should be on the lookout for companies that can help with sales conversion, marketing, and SEO as well if you're looking to turn profit.

Finding a local web design agency is usually a benefit giving you the ability to sit down face to face and discuss the requirements you're looking for with the job.  Through these consultations you should get a good feel for how they do business and quickly develop a sense of the experience and expertise they can provide moving forward.

On the other hand you need to be sure that you're not hiring a company that is simply shoving you onto the assembly line. If the web design company isn't giving you a personable impression and just looking like it wants you to sign on the dotted line then head out the door.   If it looks like a big project for the company you may not get the attention you need.

Be Organized

I've had the privilege of working with a handful of clients over the past ten years and more often then not I've come across those who aren't prepared. As a web designer operating in Grande Prairie to many clients come in with nothing on paper or prepared.  It's important for the owner to have some information put together for the website.  We as designers find nothing more helpful then having a potential client provide an organized and exhaustive list of features they're looking for in a project.  The more documentation and content the better.

Are You Wanting More Then Just Design?

Depending on who you're talking to, the company may also provide marketing services. Having the opportunity to work with a company who can help you with SEO services will far outweigh any other marketing campaign you can put together.   Many companies today provide two different aspects to their business and for the most part they fit side by side.  Finding the right digital marketing agency is another question altogether but you should decide on whether or not you want a company that provides both.  If you do, be sure to weigh those options before you set out and choose a web designer.

You can easily filter out a bad web design company by just asking some simple questions. Most notably:
  1. Is my website going to be responsive (aka mobile friendly)
  2. Will it support all browsers
  3. How do you handle website security, backups, and upgrades.
  4. Will my company own the final product
  5. Can you provide me with references
  6. How do you calculate a timeline and quote
These questions can help you separate the good from the bad.  Answers of course will vary through every company but if they sound prepared and capable you may have yourself a winner.  If they're stumbling in the interview process then it's possible the development could be shaky as well. 

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